
how to convert apl ration card to bpl | application for changing ration card from apl to bpl ❤️


how to convert apl ration card to bpl | application for changing ration card from apl to bpl


apl ration card to bpl you have come to the right site if you are seeking for a information on how to alter your ration card’s category from Above Poverty Line (APL) to Below Poverty Line (BPL) or how to submit an application for a change. You can change your APL ration card to a BPL card using the detailed methods & insightful explanations in this thorough guide. You may ensure that your application is completed efficiently & that you are able to take advantage of the benefits & assistance provided under the Below Poverty Line category by according to the instructions provided here.

application for ration card conversion from apl to bpl

You must complete an application form in order to modify your ration card from APL (Above Poverty Line) to BPL (Below Poverty Line). A sample application form in English is provided below:


Application for Ration Card Change from APL to BPL

Individual Data:

Full Name: ____________
Father/Husband’s Name: __
Gender: ________________
Date of Birth: __________
Address: ______________
City: _________________
State: ________________
PIN Code: _____________
Family Details:

Number of Family Members: __

Names and Ages of Family Members:
a) ___________________
b) ___________________
c) ___________________
d) ___________________
e) ___________________
Income Details:

Total Monthly Income (in INR): __

Source(s) of Income: ______
I hereby declare that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information may result in legal action.

Signature: ____________
Date: ________________

Please be aware that this is only a sample form and that your specific region may require a different one. To receive the official application form and submit it properly, it is best to go to the government website or the local ration card office.

How to convert your Karnataka ration card from apl to bpl

In Karnataka, you can take the following procedures to convert your ration card from APL (Above Poverty Line) to BPL (Below Poverty Line):

Where to get the application form Visit the district office of the Food and Civil Supplies Department or browse their official website. To change your ration card from APL to BPL, request the application form.

Complete the form:

Fill out the application form completely and truthfully. Give specifics such as your name, contact information for your family, your income, and any other needed information.

Include supporting documents with your application form: You must include specific supporting documents with your application. These records could consist of:

Address verification (utility bills, ration cards, etc.)
Identity documentation (voter ID, Aadhaar card, etc.)
Income tax returns or other evidence of income
evidence of residence

A picture of the family, if necessary

Ensure that you submit all the relevant documentation, as specified in the application form or as instructed by the Department of Food and Civil Supplies.

Send the application to the appropriate person at the Food and Civil Supplies Department office after you’ve completed the form and attached any necessary documentation. You will receive an appreciation receipt from them for your records.

After submitting to your application, you might need to check in with the department to see where it stands. Your application will be examined, & any necessary verifications will be made.

Verification procedure: To ascertain your eligibility for a BPL ration card, the authorities may carry out a field verification. They might come to your house to check the details you supplied on the application.

Upon approval of your application, a new BPL ration card will be issued to you. You will be informed by the authorities of this, and you can pick up the new ration card from the designated office.

It’s vital to keep in mind that based on the exact recommendations provided by the Food and Civil Supplies Department in Karnataka, the procedure and requirements may differ somewhat. For precise and current information on the ration card conversion procedure, it is advised to check their official website or get in touch with their office directly.

Gujarat apl to bpl card conversion procedure

assemble the necessary paperwork:

Make sure you have the required documentation before starting the conversion procedure. These normally consist of identification documentation, evidence of income, evidence of address, and any additional documents required by the authorities.

Speak with the Taluka Mamlatdar:

Visit the Taluka Mamlatdar (Taluka Revenue Officer) office that is the closest to you. You must submit your application for the conversion here.

Where to get the application form Ask the Taluka Mamlatdar’s office for the application form for changing an APL card into a BPL card. Give accurate information in the form.

Include the necessary documents:

Gather the required paperwork in accordance with the Taluka Mamlatdar’s office’s instructions. These may consist of:

Aadhaar cards, voter IDs, PAN cards, & other forms of identification
Income tax returns or other evidence of income
Address verification (utility bills, ration cards, etc.)
whatever further paperwork that the authorities require
Make copies of these papers & include them as an attachment to your application.

Application submission:

After completing the application & attaching the necessary paperwork, turn it in to the Taluka Mamlatdar’s office. The office staff will walk you through the submission procedure and give you a receipt for the acknowledgment.

YOUTUBE: how to convert apl ration card to bpl | application for changing ration card from apl to bpl


What distinguishes ration cards from APL and BPL?

Why would someone wish to switch from an APL to a BPL ration card?If a person or family’s financial position changes and they now fulfil the requirements for a BPL card, they may want to switch their APL card to a BPL card.

What advantages do BPL ration cards offer?

Holders with BPL ration cards are entitled to a number of government social programmes, subsidies, and discounted rates on necessities.

How may my APL ration be changed to a BPL?

You must adhere to a particular process provided by your state government in order to change your APL ration card to a BPL. The procedure usually entails submitting an application to the specified authority along with the necessary paperwork.

Where can I get the conversion application form for the ration card?

The application for converting the ration card is available at the Food and Civil Supplies Department’s office in your state, or you can get it online.

Can I submit an online application to upgrade my ration card from APL to BPL?

For the conversion of the ration card, certain states could provide an online application service. For further information, see the Food and Civil Supplies Department’s official website in your state.

Additional FAQs

How long does it take to switch an APL ration card to a BPL card?

Depending on the status and the workload of the authorities, the processing time may change. It is wise to ask the relevant office or department for an approximate time frame.

Is there a cost associated with changing the ration card?

There could be a little cost for the converting process. The Food and Civil Supplies Department or the application will include information on the fee amount and payment process.

What happens after the conversion application is submitted?

The authorities will check your conversion application once you’ve submitted it. If necessary, they may carry out additional investigations or inspections. You will be given a BPL ration card after being accepted.

Can I find out how my application is doing?

You can check the status of your ration card application online in several states. Alternately, you can ask about the situation at the designated office or the Food and Civil Supplies Department.

Do I have to give up my APL ration card?

When you receive a BPL ration card, you will typically have to give up your APL ration card. 

Can I later change my ration card from BPL to APL?

If your financial condition improves and you no longer satisfy the requirements for a BPL card, you can usually transfer your BPL ration card back to an APL card. By state, the procedure could change.

Can I use my BPL ration card to receive other government benefits?

Yes, those who hold BPL ration cards are frequently eligible for a variety of government benefits, including subsidised housing.


To change your ration card from APL to BPL, it is advisable to consult with your local authorities for particular guidelines and processes. It is a crucial to note that the exact process may be differ from region to region.

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